Friday, July 3, 2009

It's a boy!!

It's official.....the Barton's are getting another BOY!! The girls are very bummed...Megan (and mom) are still in shock I all the plans for pink are out and the plans for blue are in.....We are actually back at square 1 b/c I(we) don't have a name for this baby yet.....ideas are : Heath....Tristin.....Noah.....we usually do a family name as well, but so far nothing.....


Sydney said...

Congratulations! You're brave to ask for opinions. Haven't you learned that with a school teacher as a mother, she's run into every name and usually has a child to remind her of said name. We waited until 2 days after he was born to decide! Good luck.

Nancy/Bob said...

Sydney is right but we know you will figure it out. Congratulations- Going through the summer pregnant is no fun.

Mary Ellen and Kevin said...

don;t use Tristin sounds too girly, too close to kristin