Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I see London, I see France.....

It seems that when we discover an (obnoxious) activity, it takes FOREVER to move past it(only to really replace it with a new "obnoxious" one)....for example, we had only recently stopped the arm-pit, noise making seemed as though every time I turned the corner (at church, at home, in the car, at someones house) I was telling my kids to stop it....and now what do we have?? yes, "I see London, I see France...." you get the idea....poor Chloe, insists on getting dressed behind the door or behind the furniture to prevent anyone from "seeing" her....but don't feel too bad for her...she finds great joy in every chance she gets to sing the song!! The real kicker in this story is that, after busting my two older kids from this whole craziness, they quickly ratted out the one who taught them this song.....DAD!! (his name often comes up in confessions like this)

1 comment:

Hardin Family said...

I think you can thank the Hardin's for the everlasting armpit noise intro. I wish I could say it would be the last obnoxious thing we'd pass your way. Actually come to think of it, I think we were to blame for Chicken pox once upon a time!