Friday, August 27, 2010


I love this age....he will be one next month and I am VERY sad.....b/c I know all too well, that with being one, means: no longer interested in snuggling or being held for that matter, walking/running just around the corner.....tantrums and potentially more tantrums!! -such a cutie :)
p.s. these photos are courtesy of Megan Photography

20010-2011 School Year Starts

Aug 23rd was the first day of kids we stoked to see their friends, wear their new clothes and all the other fun that goes with the first day of school....Due to a nasty fever, Travis missed his first day and was very bummed about not getting to see his friends in class :(

This is Travis on his 1st day of class (actually the 2nd).....

Chloe was thrilled to see them the first hour they were gone, we played go fish, the memory game, the cup game and barbie.....she loves to be the oldest when ever they all leave, and who can blame her :)

Jared's birthday cake....

We were supposed to have a family dinner for Jared's birthday, but with sick kids it turned pretty low key....this pic of Megan is actually supposed to be Jared with his children....but as I started warming up the camera with practice shots, my battery went dead and it takes forever for my battery to charge up so, we will have to stage ANOTHER cake and have Jared blow out his candles (again).....

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Jared !!

Jared, is now 34!! Happy Birthday Jared......
There are lots of reasons why we (I) love Jared.....he is lots of fun, an energetic spirit full of life....his willingness to help goes beyond words....when I look at this picture, I remember that at Jared's last birthday...Heath was not quite here yet, and I was on bed rest.... I think how Jared worked all day, and came home and took care of the kids as well as helped take care of me....not to mention, I recognize that our crowd is not an easy crowd to take care of (myself included)..... so thank you to the man who is always there to lend a hand....come to the rescue and to hold us up for as long as we need Happy Birthday Jared may the skies fill with fireworks on your special day :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Heath has NEVER taken to a binkie....he prefers(loves) his can hear him sucking on it while he is sleeping-so cute, but I haven't quite given up on the binkie thing (only b/c it will be easier to help wean him down the road).....but as you can see, he doesn't seem to get the binkie thing?!

discovering the curling iron.....

Turning 10 (almost) has brought many new things...including the curling iron....she was proud of how she put her hair together all by herself .....she's dying to wear mascara and lipgloss....

Meet our Teachers

For first grade, Travis' teacher is Mrs Kindred (Megan loved having her in 3rd grade), needless to say, Travis was stoked to have one of Megan's past teacher....
Jacob has Mrs Kunze for his third grade teacher (he wanted to have her as a teacher, and was thrilled to have her when the school letter came in)

Megan will be enjoying 4th grade with Mrs Masters this year, and enjoyed getting to meet her and learn that one of her friends will be in class with her :)

family pics

we took some pics with our cousins Ethan & Blayne....and Grandma Houghton

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 2 Nauvoo

The first half of the day was spent on a wagon ride, the second half was spent doing a hand cart expedition....we did the 1 mile hand cart trail (which was one of my Nauvoo favorites) by no means easy, and we finished covered in stinky mud.....

There was a funny story however, at the end of this trek, you can cool off/clean off at the river bank, which of course we did...just before we returned our wagon, Miss Megan was hollering and jumping around like her feet were on fire....come to find out she had a leech(sp?) stuck to her foot....and you would have thought her life had ended.....the sr missionary was quite surprised, he said they had never had one before....I guess Megan is just too sweet :)

Day one Nauvoo

Day one Nauvoo

Day 1 in Nauvoo

Jared (of course) took right to the walking fact, he was a bit of a show off.....he all but was running around- even in the super tall ones......

I tried a couple of time, but was to pridefull to keep falling down-note there are no pics published of me actually making an attempt, just standing next to them.....

Day 1 evening in Nauvoo

Every night, there were festivities at the fairgrounds preceding the pagent (which by the way, I totally want to do the pagent thing) we could have done the fairgrounds everynight for a whole week and never tired from them, they were so much fun!! Jared and the boys pulled us in a hand-cart activity......(the boys were bummed it wasn't a race)

Megan collecting her buttons as a token for winning so many sack races....
Megan getting ready to pull ahead in her billionth win in the sack races....

Jared and the boys trying their hand at tug-a-war.....

we all got in on the fun with tug-a-war.....

Day 3 Nauvoo

This was our second time visiting Nauvoo.....I just LOVE to visit gets more fun, the older my children get.....I caught myself sayin, "next time we come- lets do this or that" I think every couple years would be just fine with me....

Annie and Betty

We met Annie (Pete's sister) and Betty (Pete's mom) last year when they came with Sela to visit SanAntonio....and we always have fun visiting with these two (seriously, very fun ladies!!) they even had a funny story about selling gold :)

The highlight of the lake

Everyone wanted to ride the very fun tube.....and here are some pics of us doing just that.....