Thursday, September 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Chloe !!

Today is Miss Chloe's 5th birthday.....she has brought much sunshine to our home since the day she was born.....we call her our little songbird b/c she is always singing a song (my favorite songs are the ones she just makes up).....she still has her "yellow" hair (my other children are facinated by her yellow hair), she is a friend magnet....where ever we go, it seems a group of other little girls will gather around us- more specifically Chloe, no matter what there my other children, she too has a BIG spirit about her which fills our home and makes our family feel so complete.....We feel very fortunate to have Chloe in our family, she blesses our lives with smiley faces, tenderness and a twinkle of mischiveousness :)

1 comment:

Clarissa said...

Happy Birthday Miss Chole! We wish we could be with you to celebrate! Love, the Gregson