Wednesday, May 12, 2010

the things they say.....

One of the reasons I enjoy the 4, 5, and even 6 year old stage is b/c of the funny, sometimes random and totally out of the blue things they seems that once they turn 7, they loose some of that little kid twinkle.....the other day I was telling Chloe we needed to hurry and go (I was trying to buckle up car seats the quick way as oppose to the long way when little girls don't want to get in their car seats) and she hopped right in her car seat and started snapping the buckles and said, " okay mom, lets rock n roll" ... another time she was telling me (as we were leaving the store parking lot "lets get this show on the road".......then my dear Travis, was telling me all these great things about dad (Jared and I had had a "disagreement" ) and as I began to disagree about something....he said, shrugging his shoulders, " well, I don't know mom, I am just in Kindergarten, I still don't know stuff!!"....those are the kind of things that make my heart smile inside (and out)......Megan always spoke king of dreamy, like, "when I'm a mom and have 99 daughters and only 1 son, I'm going to......" or if our ancestors came from China, would our eyes look like theirs??.... and then Jacob would often quote things from movies or a cartoon, even if we only watched it once or twice!! I would always feel like I've heard that before and then rack my brain trying to figure out where that quote came from.....often amazed b/c it was such a random quote from something I didn't realize we absorbing into our memory bank....the things they say .....

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